Día 289: Soy una ambientalista.

There's no better word to describe the way this morning felt than healthy.

First thing, I argued with myself over whether I should first do yoga or send an email to Tierney. After some deliberation, I decided the two were essentially the same and decided upon the latter. Here's what I wrote.

I spent the early hours of the day relaxedly catching up on things I've been meaning to for a while. This meant a lot of computer-cleaning and other odds and ends. One of the biggest items crossed off my to-do list was transferring my computer's documents to the USB drive Magister Chang gave me on Day 266.

Over the course of the morning, I checked in on Priya's Latin-studying progress, took a magnificent shower, and experienced some of the most empowering yoga I've done in a while.

I enjoyed a scrumptious two-course lunch with the whole family (first spaghetti, then a traditional rice dish) before sleeping generously to balance out this exciting week.

In the afternoon, I had my second Spanish lesson with my teacher Mario. I was happy that today's lesson advanced at a faster pace than my first, and requested to be given a quiz at the end of the class. I'm fairly sure I bombed it.
Since then, I've been resting and reflecting on the life of the beautiful Marina Keegan. I look forward to trying a new type of Colombian soup for dinner -- I'm sure my sinuses will appreciate it!


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